Welcome to the Shofar
The Shofar e-zine is the official quarterly e-zine of the COCC, keeping you connected to the vibrant life of our global community.
Inside Each Issue:
Inspiring Stories: Discover the impactful ministries happening around the world, from local congregations to international outreach initiatives.
Denominational News: Stay informed about key decisions, upcoming events, and the latest developments within our denomination.
Feature Articles: Explore thought-provoking articles on theology, ministry, and current events, offering valuable insights for your spiritual journey.
Global Perspectives: Gain a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures and contexts within our international family.
Resource Hub: Find valuable resources such as upcoming events calendars, downloadable materials, and links to important websites.

Our mission
We're on a mission to change the way that the denominational church works. We are Neo-traditional in that we follow the Word of the Lord found in the bible and speak where God speaks and remain silent where He remains silent.
Our vision
We want to live in a world where people can fulfill their calls to ministry rather than having to find a compromise and less than God's call. That's why we take a lot of time and care in getting to know our clergy from the moment they reach out to us and ask for our help or assistance.
the SHOFAR team
All are encouraged to share their stories, insights, and reflections. Whether you're a seasoned writer or simply passionate about our faith, we welcome your contributions. Please consider joining our team. (Roll over each caricature to meet our team.