Welcome to the
Charismatic Old Catholic
Church Community
The Charismatic Old Catholic Church presents a distinctive approach to clergy that differentiates it from other Orthodox traditions. This church is part of the broader Catholic Charismatic Renewal, which began in 1967 and emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, emotional experiences, and the expression of spiritual gifts as outlined in the New Testament. The key aspects of the Charismatic Old Catholic Church are:
The church maintains a hierarchical structure with bishops, priests, and deacons, emphasizing apostolic succession and the administration of sacraments. It does not follow a congregational model but rather an autocephalous (self-governing) model.
The church maintains the continuity of its sacraments primarily through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This sacrament preserves apostolic succession, ensuring that the authority to administer sacraments is passed down from generation to generation. Through ordination, individuals are set apart for special service to the Church, serving as pastors, teachers, and representatives before the Altar.
Clerical Structure
Worship within the church is characterized as liturgical, evangelical, and charismatic. This includes a focus on the Eucharist as one of the seven sacraments, along with practices that encourage personal spiritual experiences and community building.
We encourage all to cultivate virtues like humility, charity, and patience. Practice regular self-examination and confession. Embrace opportunities for lifelong faith formation through retreats seminars. Foster a spirit of gratitude and mindfulness and most importantly integrate faith into all aspects of daily life. Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey that requires commitment, patience, and God's grace.
The Charismatic Old Catholic Church welcomes individuals from various Christian backgrounds, promoting unity in diversity while respecting traditional Catholic teachings. It encourages participation in communal worship and outreach to serve those in need.
In addition to these practices, the church employs a consensus model for decision-making. This approach encourages collaboration among clergy and laity, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered in matters related to sacramental life and governance. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and shared responsibility, this model helps maintain unity within the church while upholding its sacramental integrity.
The church identifies with the Ultrajectine tradition, which values the teachings of the early ecumenical councils while distancing itself from later Roman Catholic dogmas established after the Great Schism of 1054.
The church insists on using proper form and intent in administering sacraments. This includes using the correct words (form) and having the right intention when performing each sacrament. For example, in the Eucharist, the anaphora (specific words) must be said in their entirety during the consecration of host and chalice. In the Catholic tradition, the anaphora is the heart of the Eucharistic celebration. It is also known as the Eucharistic Prayer or Canon of the Mass. The term "anaphora" comes from Greek, literally meaning "offering up" or "lifting up".
In essence, the anaphora in Catholic liturgy is a profound act of worship, thanksgiving, and transformation, central to the Church's understanding and celebration of the Eucharist.
IN SUMMARY, the Charismatic Old Catholic Church offers a unique clergy structure and spiritual practice that blends traditional Catholic elements with charismatic renewal principles, fostering an inclusive community centered on personal faith and service.
The church maintains a strong emphasis on the reciprocity between faith and sacraments. This relationship ensures that sacraments are not merely rituals but acts of ecclesial faith. By preserving and teaching the faith that underlies the sacraments, the church helps ensure their continued meaning and efficacy.
Clergy Gallery
Explore our dedicated clergy serving worldwide
in faith and ministry.

College of Bishops
PRIMATE OF THE Charismatic Old Catholic Church
The Right Reverend Robert Ortega
Senior Pastor Holy Spirit of Hope El Paso, Tx
Archbishop of the Western United States
ArchBishop Emeritus of the COCC
The Right Reverend Maurice McCormick, Ed. D
Senior Pastor Agape of Jesus Independent Catholic ChurchArchbishop of the Eastern United States,
Chancellor of Seminaries
Bishop of the East Coast Diocese
The Right Reverend Dr. Scott Boykin
Rector, St Michael Old Catholic Church, Loganville GA
Bishop of Hispanic countries
The Right Reverend Rafael Fuentes
Senior Pastor, Rossville GA
Bishop of the East Central Diocese
The Right Reverend Gerald Gammon (OH) Senior Pastor
United Church of Christ Church, Warren Ohio
President of Seminaries
The Right Reverend John Geinzer, DMin,MDiv, MAeD
Auxiliary Bishop, Louisville KY
The Right Reverend Mike Gentry
Bishop of Brazil
The Right Reverend Ted Kerr
Auxiliary Bishop East Central Diocese
Bishop of Africa
The Right Reverend Gabriel Obiano C. Okechukwu Pastor of the COCC Nigeria
The Right Reverend John Simmons (CA) (Emeritus)
Reverend Msgr. David Brown, D.D., DDPC
Parochial Vicar, Holy Spirit of Hope El Paso, TX
Catholic counselor and evaluator
Reverend Msgr. Keith Everett Ft. Myers, FL
Reverend Msgr. Dr. Elizabeth Ornelas, OSB DMin, MDiv
Monsignor Holy Spirit of Hope El Paso TX
Spanish Pastor at St. Benedict Chapel
Oblate Community and Homeless Ministry
Reverend Msgr. Ken Romeo (Emeritus)
Reno, NV
Reverend Michael Bonnardi Naugatuck, CT
Reverend Wesley Brooks Dayton, OH
Reverend Dr Earl Butcher Columbus, OH
Reverend Charles Clevenger Memphis, TN
Reverend Dr. Brent Cook Oak Hill, WV
Reverend Barry Corder KY
Reverend Dr. Richard Davis, PhD,MDiv NY
Reverend II Sun, Dr. Teresa Sophia Ko-Davis, NY
DMin, STM,MDiv
See us on facebook at
Holy Cross Universal Church and Humanitarian Outreach
Reverend Dr. Casey B. Elliott AZ
Reverend Juan Pablo Giraldo NC
Reverend Tom Hamilton
Reverend Lance Idol Llano, TX
Reverend Johannys Jimenez-Hartog
(St Andrews Church, Ajijic, Mexico)
Reverend Ken Lambert, DMin NH
Reverend Thomas LaMattina
St Michael's Old Catholic Church Loganville GA
Reverend Pat Lando NY
Reverend Ed Langley
Senior Pastor, Rio Rancho NM
Reverend Jerry May IN
Reverend Stephen McBride Louisville, KY
Reverend Keith M. McIntosh Gibson, GA
Reverend Beau Minson New Roads, LA
Reverend Chris Ashton Nehemiah Hursham, PA
Reverend Eduardo Ornelas, M.Eng
Pastor Holy Spirit of Hope El Paso TX
English Pastor at St. Benedict Chapel
Oblate Community and Homeless Ministry
Reverend Dale Newell Penrose, CO
Reverend Arthur Nesito Pastor, Davao Mindanao Philippines
Reverend Chet Nober Honesdale, PA
Reverend Melissa Ortega
Pastor Holy Spirit of Hope El Paso TX
Reverend Kieran Pavlick GA
Reverend Joseph Scott Ray
Transitional Pastor Oshkosh and Berea, NE
Prison minister
mail: jscottray@gmail.com
Reverend Brendan Rogers Jacksonville, FL
Reverend Joey Rogers Mt. Sterling, KY
Reverend John Santeramo, J.D., M.A. Lake Orion, MI
mail: revjohn.santeramo@aol.com
Chief Editor SHOFAR
Reverend Timothy Schoonard MI
mail: joyfulheartfreedom@gmail.com
Reverend Bill Selkirk Cambridge City, IN
Reverend Thomas Siltz Newburgh, NY
Reverend Michael Smith Orlando, FL
Reverend Eugenio Solera
Reverend Josh Sparks Ashland, KY
Reverend Harold Swink (retired) OK
Reverend David Whittaker KY
Reverend Gabriell Milan Kučera Prague, Czech Republic
Chaplain for the House of Bishops
Reverend Mark Ruffolo Boca Raton, FL
Reverend John Edwards KY
Reverend Memar Geinzer FL
Reverend Brenda Harris Columbus, IN
Reverend Sharon Hill
Reverend Patricia Letto Hereford, AZ
Interfaith Spiritual Direction
Reverend Mark Maresca Hereford, AZ
Interfaith Spiritual Direction
Reverend Erin Mcgill IN
Reverend Nancy Nichols Tyler, TX
Reverend Donna Owen's
Reverend Glen Owen's
Reverend Cleveland Rivers
St Michael's Old Catholic Church, Loganville, GA
Reverend Karla Schoonard MI
mail: joyfulheartfreedom@gmail.com
Reverend J Schultz KY
Reverend Holly Smith FL
Reverend Miracle Chidemma Gabriel Nigeria
Reverend Jeff Williams Alice Springs, Australia
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